City of Edmonton Tree Protection Plans

What is a “City of Edmonton Tree Protection Plan”? A “Tree Protection Plan” is a new City of Edmonton Tree Permit program that was implemented in 2022 to help protect trees owned by the City of Edmonton. The program impacts those who are doing construction or landscaping projects near trees owned by the City. A tree protection plan must be submitted and approved by the City, it must meet the guidelines set out in Edmonton’s municipal bylaw, and any workers using equipment near City trees must adhere to it.

When do I need a Tree Protection Plan? If you, or a company you are hiring, are working with equipment or with vehicles within 5 meters of the trunk of a City of Edmonton owned tree or 10 meters of a natural stand of trees, a tree protection plan is required.

How do I tell whether a tree is owned by the City? Sometimes trees are planted in front yards, near the roadside, by the City of Edmonton and it can be difficult to tell who owns the trees. You can call 311 to inquire or check out the City of Edmonton Tree Map here:

How much does a Tree Protection Plan cost? Morris Landscaping and Tree Service can provide you with a tree protection plan. We can complete a plan for a single tree for $600.00 plus GST, ($150.00 per additional tree). We can also implement the tree protection plan on a construction site; the cost for implementing the tree protection plan on construction sites varies depending on site-specific requirements. We can also provide a free quote for the implementation of your plan, after we have discussed the details of your specific site to help determine which of our rates apply.

Can I get a Tree Protection permit myself? Anyone can submit a Tree Protection Plan. Proposed plans, once submitted to the City, are reviewed by a City Urban Forester. It can often be difficult and cumbersome to meet all the strict requirements laid out; we offer to reduce inconvenience for the homeowner by wading through bureaucratic application forms for you. We are tree experts and can make sure that the permitting process is smooth, thereby ensuring that your project is not needlessly delayed by the permitting process. If we are doing a project for you that will require a Tree Protection Plan and you choose to do the Tree Protection Plan yourself, we are not responsible for delays in your project due to the permit application. A Tree Protection Plan applied for by the client must be approved before we will schedule your project.

When do I need a Tree Preservation Plan? And how is this different than a Tree Protection Plan?

A Tree Preservation Plan is required when a prospective construction project requires earth excavation within 5 meters of a City-owned tree trunk, or within 10 meters of a City-owned natural stand of trees. A tree preservation plan requires more steps and precautions than a Tree Protection plan, which helps mitigate any harm to the roots of trees close to excavation. Morris Landscaping and Tree Service can compose and submit your tree preservation plan. Please send us your project and site details to enlist this service or to inquire regarding pricing.

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